Student’s Good Work> Anthology of English essays -Our Sports Day


Our Sports Day
by Chiu Shing Hei (1C)

Our Sports Day was held on 14th November, 2014.  It was a sunny day, and we went to Kwai Chung Sports Ground early in the morning.

There were lots of track and field events during our Sports Day. Before the events took place, the athletes did warm ups so that they could perform better in the races.  At the same time, the cheerleaders asked the cheering teams to practise dancing.  After the competition began, all our schoolmates got excited.  The most amazing event was the 4 X 100M relay.  When the runners crossed the finishing line, the four cheering teams of our four Houses waved their pom-poms energetically and cheered at the top of their voices to encourage the athletes to run faster.  All spectators were extremely excited when watching these events.   Finally, many members of the Red House won the competitions. As a result, Red House was the champion on our Sports Day.  Peter Wong (6C) was the star of the Sports Day. He won three gold medals for long jump, high jump and 100-M sprint. He became the best athlete of our school who has broken many records.

The atmosphere of the Sports Day was tense yet exciting. Not only did the athletes try their best to get excellent results, but our schoolmates and the cheering teams were also keen on encouraging the athletes. They all demonstrated tremendous sportsmanship and team spirit throughout the events. 

Although I am not an outstanding sportsman, I hope the next Sports Day will come soon.