Student’s Good Work> Anthology of English essays -Occupy Central


Occupy Central
by Liu Chun Kit (4A)

To strive for a better future for Hong Kong, groups of citizens and students joined the protest, commonly known as Occupy Central.  Although their ultimate goal was pure, I think the behaviors of some radical protesters were inappropriate.  However, I also felt astonished about the police using tear gas and pepper spray to calm the protesters and request their retreat, as there should have been more suitable methods to reach a consensus. Such overly-strong actions would unavoidably cause more conflicts.

The Hong Kong Government could create more opportunities to communicate with the protesters and the protesters could try to listen to the Government.  Compromising is better than creating conflicts and arguments.  The use of tear gas and pepper spray would make the protests even more out of control which would ruin chances of further rational discussion. 

I think the students did not need to sacrifice their lessons because no one wanted to see that they had boycotted classes.  It would only affect the students themselves but would cause no harm to the Government.  They might need to take into consideration the advice of other people, such as their teachers, parents and other loved ones, who would be worried about them.  If they wanted to express their opinions to the Government, they can do so through other means.  On the other hand, the government officials could accept people's appeals and try to arrange peaceful talks with them as they are the leaders in Hong Kong.

I really hope the protesters could carefully consider the consequences of their actions.  Let us sit down and discuss in a rational manner to allow both sides to express their views.  It does not matter about who should follow whose instructions.  Both parties should be willing to talk while getting rid of the wrong approaches for solving the problems.  They should think about Hong Kong’s future and try to maintain the harmony and peace we always have.